Past event

Letters Live Berlin

26 June 2024

On Wednesday 26th June 2024, we brought Letters Live to the Berlin Philharmonie for our German debut!


Letters Live has consistently aligned itself with charitable causes. This event proudly continued this tradition, supporting the vital work of Children for Tomorrow.


Read on for the evening’s incredible cast list.


This Letters Live show was in association with Montblanc.





Sabin Tambrea

I must have written you 14 to 15 letters

Ich habe Dir 14 oder 15 Briefe geschrieben

Frank Kafka to Felice Bauer


Poor mother, forgive your fallen son

Arme Mutter, vergib Deinem

Hermann Hesse to his mother



Anke Engelke

Liebes Internet

Dear Internet

Tina Fey to internet commenters


I can’t fight any longer

Ich bin am Ende meiner Kraft

Virginia Woolf to Leonard Woolf



Claudia Michelsen

How strange it is

Jacqueline Kennedy to Willy Brandt


Iris Berben

Dear, dear Helmut, adieu

Adieu, mein lieber Helmut

Charlotte Rampling to June Newton



Sebastian Koch

Little one from the ice-rink!

Kleiner von der Eisbahn!

Erich Maria Remarque to Marlene Dietrich\



Alli Neumann

Dear Sir

Sarah-Louise Jordan to an admirer



Ece Temelkuran

This is not a missive, but a mission

Fiona Glen to Earth



Dietmar Wunder

Liverpool are winning too many games

Liverpool gewinnt einfach zu viele Spiele

A Man Utd fan to Jurgen Klopp



Christine Becker

Your globetrotting idiot

Dein Globelltrottei

Jurek Becker to Christine Becker



Mark Waschke

With many good wishes for our house

Wie gefält ihnen mein Haus

Lion Feuchtwanger to the occupant of his house






Sebastian Koch

Damn, the emotion

Verdammt, die Ruehrung

Harry Rowohlt to friends




Sol LeWitt to Eva Hesse


Alli Neumann

Thank you and I hope you choke

Ich hoffe, Sie ersticken

Beatles fan to Nike


Jesper Munk

We are fighting for the very soul of the world

Nick Cave to a reader


Iris Berben

Fortunately, I had my new radio

Zum Glück hatte ich mein Radio

Marianne Müeller to A. Walker


What did you say? I can’t hear you….

Ich kann Dich nicht hören

Katherine Hepburn to Spencer Tracy


Laila Fakori

Mother, my heart longs for you

Fakori to her mother


Mark Waschke

Seat 29E

Sitzplatz 29E

A customer to Continental Airlines


Claudia Michelsen

Give women the vote

Man gibt den Frauen das Wahlrecht

Bertha Brewster to. Daily Telegraph


Iris Berben and Anke Engelke

Dear Friend


Hermione Gingold to A. Friend


Dietmar Wunder

I have the cookie

Null Kekse

Cookie Monster to Bahlsen HQ


Sabin Tambrea

I have had my eye on you

Ich habe sie ins Auge gefasstt

Simon Fallowfield to Mary Foster




Jesper Munk

Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis (Tom Waits)

Slow Down


Nikko Weidemann (piano)
Ibadet Ramadani (vocals)


Sleep my Child