Past event
23 April 2014
(Click dates to expand/collapse)
Live like a Mighty River
Ted Hughes
All the Ladies Like Whiskers
Abraham Lincoln’s response to Grace Bedell
I am Very Real
Kurt Vonnegut
Ought Women not to be abolished altogether?
Clementine Churchill to The Times
Shine, constantly and steadily
Caitlin Moran to Her Daughter
Music is Life Itself
Love, Dad
Ronald Reagan to Michael Reagan
Chris and Bessie
Chopin letter
Schumann letter
People simply empty out
Charles Bukowski to John Martin
It’s up to you now
Bette Davis to B.D. Hyman
All the ladies like whiskers
Grace Bedell to Abraham Lincoln
Sex Does Not Thrive on Monotony
Anaïs Nin to The Collector
You Must Know Again My Reluctance to Marry
Amelia Earhart
Federal Agent at Large
Elvis Presley to US President Richard Nixon
P.S. This is my favorite memo ever
Matt Stone to MPAA
One’s Drop Scones
The Queen
Mick Jagger to Andy Warhol
An idiot of the 33rd degree
Mark Twain to A Salesman
Hang on My Love and Grow Strong
Iggy Pop to Laurence
Chopin piece
Schumann piece